Assembly 2023

BC/Yukon Area Assembly 2023

Group Representative 2023 Area Assembly Information

  • New Business background information (CLICK HERE) updated Sept. 7, 2023
    • Area contribution to Central Services for Archive space
    • Area servant’s travel reimbursement rate
    • AMIAS re-certification deadline
    • Area Finance Committee restructure
  • The Treasurer’s Report – not part of the consent agenda
    Assembly Financial Report (CLICK HERE) posted Sep. 23, 2023
    Income-Expense-Statement (CLICK HERE)
    Income-Exp-vs-budget-2022-2023 (CLICK HERE)
    June-2023-Balance-sheet (CLICK HERE)
    – Proposed Budged for 2023 – 2024 (comparison to prior years) (CLICK HERE)
  • Past Delegate Task Force Report(CLICK HERE) Updated Aug. 17, 2023
    • This discussion topic may be taken to a business meeting with your Group members.  We suggest reviewing the Knowledge-based Decision-making Guidelines prior to your discussion. (CLICK HERE)