Welcome Al-Anon and Alateen members!
This site will provide more detailed information about how Al-Anon works in the BC/Yukon Area.
The resources on this page of the website should help you become more involved in service work and contribute to the communication within our area.
Our BC/Yukon Area Bulletin is posted at the beginning of every month. We invite you to explore this publication monthly to learn more about Al-Anon and Alateen. It will include events that are open to all Al-Anon and Alateen members as well as communications from your officers and coordinators. Al-Anon related events should be submitted through this website so that events will be posted in the Bulletin and Website with one entry. Please use the form on the Events page.
Be sure to check out the 12 Concepts page. These guide us in our service to Al-Anon Family Groups. At the bottom of the page, you will also find a list of ways to contribute to service in Al-Anon and Al-Ateen.
To make any changes to Group Records, including change of GR, mailing address, days/times of meetings, please use the links on the Group Records page. We encourage all groups to keep this information current so we can communicate with your group and so new members can find you.
To contact any of your Officers and/or Coordinators, use the links on this page.
If you are interested in volunteering your time and talent as an officer or coordinator, the job descriptions are listed to help guide you in that very important decision.
We hope you will find this site to be helpful in increasing your participation in Al-Anon and Alateen!